8 Oral Sex Tips One Can Do To Make Your Man Happy & Healthy This New Year
Health Aim If there's one new thing you need to do for the New Year, it's to do more blow jobs to your partner. But mind you these oral sex tips will not only benefit men, it will also benefit women. Science backs it up, promise. |
We went to blow job school and this is what we learnt – Cosmopolitan UK
Cosmopolitan UK |
We went to blow job school and this is what we learnt
Cosmopolitan UK It's a bog standard Tuesday night. We're admiring the underwear in Coco-de-Mer sipping on glasses of prosecco. Then a voice bellows from the corner of the store – "Everyone sit down. I'm ready to begin." "Why should you listen to me? Well I've had two … |

A Married Housewife And Black Cocks
Being married is unlike most people think today. In fact, it’s often a journey full of challenges, especially if your partner lacks sufficient competence when it comes to satisfying all your needs as a woman. To be specific, I’ve been married to a white man for a couple of years now, and while he has accomplished the affection aspect of the relationship, he has not been able to penetrate me in the way I want him to do. Simply put, my husband has been able to shower me with gifts, and he takes good care of me as well. However, one important factor that he fails to consider is that he lacks sufficient competence to provide me with orgasmic encounters and he does not have any knowledge in engaging in foreplay as well.
Since I discovered the girth of black cocks and the superior sexual stamina that these men seem to possess, I have been exploring with different black men, and I never wanted for my husband to discover any of these encounters. I recently found a black partner who seems to embody all the ideal values that Ii would have wanted in a partner. In fact, could notice the sexual magnetism and confidence that was oozing from him since I met him. After a couple of social interactions, we started meeting for sexual escapades wherever and whenever we could.
I am obsessed with hard black cocks and his was often throbbing with intensity every time we were alone. We would engage in comprehensive foreplay and before I knew it, I was wet and ready for him to penetrate me in all the ways that my husband failed to do. However, as fate would have it, my husband caught my pants down with my new sexual partner and while in the middle of an orgasmic sexual experience. While he was infuriated at me for my digressions, he did not opt to settle for divorce and he wanted us to go for marriage counseling.
However, for me, this was only a short-term solution for a long-term problem. I had developed a dependence on hard black cocks, and my white husband could not be able to satisfy me in the way I wanted to be penetrated. I’m still in contact with my black partner and our sexual encounters keep on increasing in excitement. I often can’t wait for his hard black cock to dive in deep into my pussy.
For more, visit at charlotteaction.org.
Ways to Make a Vagina Happy You Probably Aren’t Using – Thrillist
Thrillist |
Ways to Make a Vagina Happy You Probably Aren't Using
Thrillist But mastering the basics so you know how to turn your lady's vagina into a majestic comet is just the beginning! There is so much more to learn; and so many brilliant, alternative pleasure pathways. So I got Alex Fine, co-founder of Dame Products, to … |
How to Be Good at Getting Head, Which Is Almost as Important as Giving It – Thrillist
Thrillist |
How to Be Good at Getting Head, Which Is Almost as Important as Giving It
Thrillist I've given (and gotten!) great head and terrible head. But you know what? More often than not it had absolutely nothing to do with anyone's skill level. Sure, everyone's always talking about how to give your partner the perfect blow job or figuring out … |
Oral sex tips for men – by women – News24 Nigeria
News24 Nigeria |
Oral sex tips for men – by women
News24 Nigeria Abuja – After many readers' requests I've decided to do some research into the fine art of giving head to a girl. But seeing that I've only ever been on the receiving end, I thought my advice might be a little, ah, inappropriately personal. So I … |
Using Lube During Oral Sex Makes Everything More Pleasurable: Expert – Huffington Post Canada
Using Lube During Oral Sex Makes Everything More Pleasurable: Expert Huffington Post Canada
With so much focus on saliva during oral sex, one sex expert says there’s another liquid you should be thinking about: lube. According to sexologist and author …
Going Down 6 most important oral sex tips for men and women [No. 3 will drive your partner wild] – Pulse Nigeria
Going Down 6 most important oral sex tips for men and women [No. 3 will drive your partner wild]
Pulse Nigeria Going Down 6 most important oral sex tips for men and women [No. 3 will drive your partner wild]. Having someone go down in you can be one of the most erotic experiences you will share with your partner. Published: 16.06.2016; Olamide Oni. Print; eMail. |
9 Oral Sex Tips For All Types Of Oral Sex Lovers – Huffington Post Canada
Huffington Post Canada |
9 Oral Sex Tips For All Types Of Oral Sex Lovers
Huffington Post Canada Whether you're not sure what the best technique for oral sex is or you're just looking for a new way to do it, it's time to switch up your game for even more orgasms. "Oral sex is deeply intimate and despite being extremely common, it maintains a … |
The Offensive Belief Keeping Men From Going Down On Women – Refinery29
Refinery29 |
The Offensive Belief Keeping Men From Going Down On Women
Refinery29 Another day, another reminder that the oral sex playing field is still uneven: A recent study out of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, published in The Journal of Sex Research, reveals depressing differences in how straight men and … |